Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Hangman's Daughter and Dark Monk

I recently received FREE copies of The Hangman's Daughter and The Dark Monk, courtesy of BzzAgent. ( I am a BzzAgent, by the way).  Prior to this campaign, i have never heard of the author ( Oliver Pötzsch) or the books. The copies were sent to my Kindle. I just started reading the first book The Hangman's Daughter, and so far i am really into the book, which is a surprise because this isn't a type of book I usually read. I am more a fan of books that are more current. ( I do like reading Jane Austen's books though).  I cannot say much about the book at this time, except for the fact that it is REALLY GOOD! I will share more once i get farther into the book. If you cannot wait to hear what I have to say about the books, head on over to Amazon.com and get your own copies today!

Here's the link to The Hangman's Daughter


Here's the link for The Dark Monk - The followup book! : 


Let me know what you think if you have a chance to check out these books!

runner0892, member of Bzzagent.

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